A BIG THANK YOU to our community!
Great things have happened following our launch of the DOAJ and PubMed
integrations. We saw a broad coverage on the web, including an appearance on the Reddit front
page in early November and an article in c't magazine. More than 44,000 people visited
Open Knowledge Maps in November, and almost 25,000 maps have been created to date.
We have also introduced Open Knowledge Maps at numerous events including MozFest, OpenCon & OpenCon Berlin, and NetzPat Vienna to name just a few. In total, over 230 people attended our workshops and sessions. The positive feedback was overwhelming and we want to thank our emerging community for their great support. Loads of you have posted great comments, written articles and spread Open Knowledge Maps in your respective communities, posted issues and ideas on Github, or become part of the team and advisory board. A BIG THANK YOU! We are happy to see everyone getting involved and we are also thinking about new ways to make it even easier for you to be part of the Open Knowledge Maps community in the future. Together we can revolutionize discovery!