Open Knowledge Maps coordinates new network to improve research data discovery
Research data are among the fastest growing openly accessible scientific outputs on the web. Unfortunately, the discoverability of this data is seriously lacking, leaving up to 85% of datasets unused.
This is why Open Knowledge Maps has started a new implementation network (IN) that aims to change this. The main purpose of the Discovery IN is to provide open interfaces and other user-facing services for data discovery across disciplines. It brings together many well-known organisation and projects working on FAIR data (short for findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data), including DataCite, OpenAIRE, EUDAT, OPERAS, CESSDA, BASE, CORE, ZBW, and Know-Center.
The network is part of the GO FAIR initiative, a bottom-up international approach for the practical implementation of infrastructures for FAIR data, such as the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud).
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