Project “Ideenbox” collects health issues from citizens in Austria
We are thrilled to announce that Open Knowledge Maps has joined forces with LBG Open Innovation in Science Center (OIS Center) for another exciting project. In this crowd-sourcing project called Ideenbox (in English: Ideas Box), we collect unsolved health issues from citizens based in Austria. Their input will contribute to finding current blind spots in research and to identify important topics for future research.
The crowd-sourcing has already started online. You can provide your ideas in German language via the OIS Center website until spring next year. We invite you to submit your everyday health problems or your personal observations of illnesses. From September 2021, you can also provide your input through dedicated physical boxes placed in publicly accessible spaces such as museums, libraries and other cultural spaces. Open Knowledge Maps will be responsible for providing an instant overview of all collected research questions through a knowledge map. The knowledge map will be made publicly available and it will periodically be updated to show the latest crowd-sourcing results. It will be used to inspire ideas to solve the described challenges with citizens, stakeholders and researchers in co-creation workshops.
With this joint project, Open Knowledge Maps and LBG OIS Center take a further step to facilitate knowledge transfer between society and research. The LBG OIS Center is a leading institution for investigating and experimenting with open innovation principles and methods in science. As an OKMaps supporting member, the LBG OIS Center supports our activities to improve the visibility of scientific knowledge to researchers, practitioners, and the public. We are excited to provide the means for making the Ideas Box results openly available and explorable.
Are you interested to get involved?
Submit your idea