Introducing our new membership fee model
Did you know that Open Knowledge Maps is a charitable non-profit organization? Our mission is to create a public good: our open source research discovery services. To be able to provide all our services for free, we heavily rely on the financial support of our community. That’s why in 2019 we introduced our supporting membership scheme, which was developed in close collaboration with the community. We propose to fund Open Knowledge Maps in a collective effort: organizations become supporting members and provide a yearly contribution. In return, our supporting members are invited to co-create the platform with us. This way, we hope to finance development, community support, and hosting of Open Knowledge Maps long into the future.
When we introduced our membership scheme it was praised for its clarity and transparency. Since then, we also received valuable feedback from our community on how to improve it. As a result, today, we are excited to introduce a new and improved fee model. The new model is more equitable and inclusive: it retains three easily distinguishable membership categories but introduces additional fee levels for each category. Lower fee levels make it easier for smaller institutions and organizations from lower and middle income countries to join us. The newly introduced membership fees for large organizations from high income countries balance out the total funding and guarantee sustainable financing of our services.
Eager to support our open discovery platform? Take advantage of our special discount for early movers and join other renowned supporting members such as ETH Zurich, University of Vienna and ZBW. More information is available on our website.
Become a supporting member until 1 December 2021 and save up to 35% on your membership fees!
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