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Don’t leave your collections unAIded. A university library integration showcases a streamgraph, visually mapping research trends over time.

The Custom Services: enhance your discovery with AI-driven search

Imagine elevating your discovery systems with AI-driven, visual search. This is what the Custom Services deliver: an easy way to integrate Open Knowledge Maps’ groundbreaking services into your own offering, transforming how users explore and interact with knowledge.

AI-driven discovery at work in libraries, repositories and research projects

The Custom Services have been adopted by numerous institutions to enhance knowledge discovery. A key application is library catalog integration, giving users a visual overview of their search query with a single click. In Switzerland and Austria, partnerships with the Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP) and the Austrian Library Network and Service Ltd (OBVSG) ensure seamless integration into library catalogues through centralised modules.

In research data management, our partnership with AUSSDA, the Austrian Social Science Data Archive, demonstrates how the Custom Services enhance the discoverability of resources beyond traditional publications. AUSSDA leverages Open Knowledge Maps’ visual search for its social science datasets. As the Head of AUSSDA, Dr. Lars Kaczmirek states:

"By integrating Open Knowledge Maps into AUSSDA, we enable researchers to explore social science datasets in an intuitive and interactive way. This approach not only enhances dataset discoverability but also helps users quickly identify relevant studies, streamlining the research process."

The Custom Services are also making an impact upon research projects, providing an easy way to add AI-driven discovery to a wide variety of collections. Their engaging, visual interface helps attract new audiences and users. In the enKORE project, we co-developed an interactive atlas by which researchers and practitioners can better navigate the scientific literature on invasion biology. Like all integrations, the sustainability of our unified platform ensures services remain operational long after project completion.

Flexible integration, evolving features

As cloud-based components, the Custom Services are easy to implement, requiring minimal resources on your end. They offer extensive customisation options, including the ability to control parameters and restrict knowledge maps to your own data sources. This way, you can create an experience tailored for your users.

The Custom Services are continuously evolving through collaboration with our partners and supporting members. Two of our latest advancements are features exclusive to the Custom Services:

  • The Streamgraph, which visualises topics over time, allowing users to identify research trends and patterns
  • Custom Clustering, which groups research results into user-defined themes, offering curated organisation and expert-driven exploration of findings

Powered by Open Source AI

What really sets the Custom Services apart is their foundation in open-source principles. Free from user lock-in, they offer an economical, community-driven AI solution for institutions of all sizes.

Whether you are managing a library collection, running a research project, or overseeing a research data repository, Open Knowledge Maps’ Custom Services provide the tools to enhance discovery and accessibility.

Don’t leave your collections unaided: let the Custom Services transform your discovery process!

Learn more about the Custom Services
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