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Membership spotlight: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

This is part three of a five-part series where we give the floor to representatives of our initial supporting members to introduce their institutions and to tell us why they chose to support Open Knowledge Maps.

Today, it's Academy of Fine Arts Vienna:

"The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna was founded in 1692 by the court painter Peter Strudel as a private academy and is considered to be the oldest art school in Central Europe. Since 2015 the Academy has an explicit commitment to the promotion of Openness in the Arts & Sciences, whereas the main focus is on supporting community-led Open Science infrastructures and services (OSIS) and helping to create a truly open and inclusive Scholarly Communication ecosystem in the near future, and Open Knowledge Maps is one of these initiatives. On the one side the Open Science/Open Scholarship movement has increased the accessibility of academic knowledge, but on the other hand there is a discoverability crisis that in a lot of cases negatively affects Scholarly Communication. Open Knowledge Maps intends to close this gap and that's why it deserves to be supported with our best efforts." Mag. MSc. Andreas Ferus, Interim Library Director, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

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