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New supporting member: ETH Library

We are delighted to announce that ETH Library has joined Open Knowledge Maps as a supporting member. The ETH Library promotes knowledge, enables information work in research and teaching and makes the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow more comprehensible to its customers.

ETH Library is Open Knowledge Maps' second member in the category "Sustaining Member" and thus supports the maintenance, but also the further development of Open Knowledge Maps.

David Johann, Head of Group Knowledge Management of ETH Library, outlines the reasons for becoming a member:

"We joined Open Knowledge Maps as a Supporting Member because it is an innovative tool for literature search and we are eager to support the further development of Open Knowledge Maps. Our long-term goal is to integrate Open Knowledge Maps into the ETH-Library as a way to search for relevant scientific literature." Dr. David Johann, Head of Group Knowledge Management, ETH Library, ETH Zurich

We warmly welcome ETH Library and we invite further organisations to join and shape the future of discovery together with us. For more information about the supporting membership program, please click here.

More about ETH Library
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